The Sadomasochistic Art of Writing: you know what I’m talking about yes you do

#havingkittens #printed my #first #novel #today for the #firsttime #281 #pages #doublespaced #blackandwhite #writing #amwriting #fiction #author #thewritinglife #writer #ivyngeow #submissions #endurance #training #longhaul #longtermproject #powerofwriting #powerofreading #terrified #didnot #print the #secondnovel #ok A photo posted by Satsuma World (@ivyngeow) on May 19, 2016 at 3:24am PDT When the thing is virtual, digital, electronic, unreal: …

REVIEW: Stefan Zweig’s “Fantastic Night and Other Stories – Tales of Longing and Liberation”

“Fantastic Night and Other Stories” was written in 1922. Zweig was born in Vienna in 1881 to a wealthy Austrian Jewish family. He moved everywhere after he was a student in Berlin, he ended in London and New York and finally Brazil. He died in a double suicide with his wife in Brazil in 1942. These are …