OK guys so for 24 hours I had to get away from London, the internet, social media, work, family, self marketing and of course this crowdfunding (CF) lark. Luckily my friend Yvonne Lyon invited me up (not up, sideways, sorry) for her birthday celebrations. Since this process started I found myself impaired in every way …
BOOK LAUNCH: Ewan Lawrie’s “Gibbous House” Thursday 12 January 2017 1830H
I was very lucky to have been given an invitation to attend Ewan Lawrie’s book launch in Islington. This would be the first time I am meeting an Unbound author and in fact the first time I would be meeting an author that I had got to know first through social media. Times have indeed …
Heart of Glass 24% funded! Week One crowdfunding with Unbound
Where to start? What nails? I have no more nails to bite. Come to think of it, no cuticles either. Where am I going to get my daily intake of protein from? I’m going to be eating a low carb humble pie from now to eternity. I can stomach this. There is no room …
“Heart of Glass” a novel by Ivy Ngeow
Heart of Glass “A pacy, stylish 1980s literary thriller set in Chicago and Macau” Support this book here. Watch the trailer (pitch video) here: My name is Ivy Ngeow and I am an award-winning writer. I am raising funds for Heart of Glass, a finished product, a completed novel of 74,000 words, with Unbound, an imprint …
Pitching your Ideas in 3 minutes
Pitching is presenting your ideas. What people and I myself don’t realise is how tough my business life as a designer is and has been. I pitch for ten jobs to get 2. Five jobs to get 1. Clients today make you bleed. You are competing against younger, cheaper and more innovative pitchers. So how do …
How I came to be Crowdfunding with Unbound
I was on around Day 27 of NaNoWriMo and doing quite well I thought, writing my third novel, with my word count of c 24,000 when suddenly I was hit with news that I was being offered a book deal by Unbound, an imprint of Penguin Random House. The caveat was that it will …
My first NaNoWriMo
This year is the first time I am participating in National Novel Writing Month. I am doing this partly as a challenge and partly as a way of getting another book written under pressure. Today is Day 21 out of 30 and I am only on around 18,000 words. Why I am doing this thing: …
The Sadomasochistic Art of Writing: you know what I’m talking about yes you do
#havingkittens #printed my #first #novel #today for the #firsttime #281 #pages #doublespaced #blackandwhite #writing #amwriting #fiction #author #thewritinglife #writer #ivyngeow #submissions #endurance #training #longhaul #longtermproject #powerofwriting #powerofreading #terrified #didnot #print the #secondnovel #ok A photo posted by Satsuma World (@ivyngeow) on May 19, 2016 at 3:24am PDT When the thing is virtual, digital, electronic, unreal: …
HUNGRY? A New Year treat: “Hungry in Ipoh” London Launch and how I did it
Brixton, London, Wed 10 February 2016, 7pm. HUNGRY – PART I – The Launch itself Finally the day had come. The planning took about four weeks, six if you include thinking time, and I always include thinking time because without it, the rest won’t follow anyway. Please can I not have to do a selfie …