“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” – Edgar Degas Lulu Allison is a Brighton-based artist and writer. Before she started writing she had already been an established artist. Twice the Speed of Dark is told from the viewpoint of Caitlin, killed by violent boyfriend Ryan. Ten years on, her mother …
DEBRIEF: Publishing Two Books!
This is a view of Bako National Park in Kuching, Borneo, home to millions of flora and fauna many of which are still undiscovered and unknown to humans. It seems the opposite of the Hong Kong in the photo below, yet both of these places are where Cry of the Flying Rhino was born. Publishing …
NEW : Cry of the Flying Rhino is now available at Select Books SINGAPORE!
GREAT NEWS!!! Cry is now available in SELECT BOOKS, Singapore. Check it out!
Cry of the Flying Rhino paperback, eBook
If you missed my reading at Brixton Book Jam, The Hootananny, London SW2 1DF on Monday 3 March 2018, no worries. Watch it here now! Cry of the Flying Rhino LIMITED EDITION, FIRST EDITION, SIGNED is now available! Find out why this book won outright for the first time in 9 years of the Proverse Prize competition. …
SNEAK PREVIEW: The Helena May Club book launch venue Hong Kong
Today’s inspo: just wanted to share these photos of the 1916 venue of the book launch and prize ceremony. This is the Blue Room where the event will be held. I am very excited to be launching my award-winning postcolonial novel Cry of the Flying Rhino here! Originally built for the protection of women’s rights,. I think …
REVIEW: Write and Edit a Short Story Weekend Workshop 7-8 October 2017 @londonlitlab
I was very pleased to have applied for this course. It was just the thing I needed – the luxury of writing. I am not interested in posh hotel breaks or spa treats. What attracted me was the quality of the teaching staff. Zoe Gilbert and Lily Dunn are not only published writers, they are also lecturers. The venue …
CRY OF THE FLYING RHINO Sneak Preview: Doing my Bit for Postcolonial Literature:
Heart of Glass: Front cover done. Back blurb in progress. Some delays in August because I was torn between two cover options both of which I liked. Now we’re done being torn. Very exciting. Clue: 1980s! Yes! In sports news, Cry of the Flying Rhino: Hong Kong – the prize giving ceremony and launch is now only 4 weeks away! …
7 Lessons in Book Promotion (for Slackers)
1/ Someone once said “Writing is Showbusiness for the Shy”. Event/talk/gig tours to promote one’s paperbacks is quite a nice thing to do if you are a) young or b) young at heart or c) have tons of time and money or d) all of the above ideally. As I am having a déjà vu, …
The Brief Crowdfunding Pitch De-Brief
So you have pitched and now you are wondering how the hell did I do? 1. On the pitching letter. Make it pithy and make each one the best letter you ever wrote. If you know them v well, aim for the heart. Go deeper. Ask how Anna’s Grade V piano exam went and how James’ operation …
Your Crowdfunding Pitch Letter
The letter needs to be pithy and to the point. Short direct pitches work better cos firstly people have no time and secondly they have no patience. It should be in three paragraphs only. The first paragraph: Introduce your product and what it is. Learn to cut out all that “how are you hope you’re well” …