If you are an author, you will not and should not have to spend too much time on promo. Here are some things you can do on the go, from anywhere and at any time. Go ‘live’ on a FB group, your own page or on Twitter. Just introduce yourself. Don’t forget most people don’t …
INTERVIEW with Adam Ross, on writing and running RosscoLorenzo General Store and Newsstand
Have you ever wondered what it is like being writer, a local bookstore owner and event promoter/planner? Adam Ross gives us his hot tips on how it’s done. IN: As a reader and a writer, I have always been curious about the business of books, and how they end up from an idea in a …
How long does it take to write a novel?
I get asked this question a lot. If it takes only half a day to write a 1,000 word blog, then should it not take just 40 days to write a book? The answer is that it’s almost right. I started planning Overboard in 2018, just after Heart of Glass was launched in June. I …