My aim had always been to be a published author. I have achieved my aim. Now what? Writing a novel or two is the biggest time, energy and mental pressure you can undertake. In fact to write this blog post I had to take two Nurofen and a double espresso macchiato in order to steady …
Reading at Brixton London Book Jam Monday 5 March 2018
NEWS I am reading at the Brixton Book Jam, London, on Monday 5 March, please click for more info. With Tony White and some others, see you there.
HUNGRY? A New Year treat: “Hungry in Ipoh” London Launch and how I did it
Brixton, London, Wed 10 February 2016, 7pm. HUNGRY – PART I – The Launch itself Finally the day had come. The planning took about four weeks, six if you include thinking time, and I always include thinking time because without it, the rest won’t follow anyway. Please can I not have to do a selfie …