One of my most vivid memories as a child was watching Jaws in 1977 with my dad. I doubt it’s suitable for a 7 year old as I remember being terrified of swimming in the sea for about two years even though I grew up in Malaysia and it’s mandatory to swim. In the sea. And no, there are no sharks in Malaysia. I now realise the power of imagination and the impact of movies on creativity.
INTERVIEW: Book blogger Lesley Budge on the Ideal Reader (and how to find one)
Authors, do you have an Ideal Reader and readers, are you in fact one? I interviewed an avid reader and here’s what I found! Read my blog post here. Most blogs interview authors but that’s boring. As an author, I have been interviewed many times and I also have interviewed other authors. This time, …
Q & A on OVERBOARD: how to create suspense using multiple viewpoints
Your questions answered! Thank you for sending them. This 9 min video explores themes in OVERBOARD and how to create suspense using multiple viewpoints.
OVERBOARD: Useful store links
Amazon (USA) Amazon (UK) Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, 24 Symbols, Angus & Robertson, !ndigo, Mondadori Store Google Play Books
3 Things I Learned on my Publishing Journey (making me a far superior writer now)
Note that I don’t call them mistakes. I call them “things learned”. I don’t see them as mistakes because they are just experiences that made me a better writer today, by miles. 1/ I tried to write as a white male person. It’s unbelievable but true. I just thought I’d better aim to be like …
Book Signing at WHSmith, Southside Mall, Wandsworth, London
Sat 16 Feb 2019 from 2:30pm – 4:30pm I will be signing Heart of Glass at WHSmith in Wandsworth Southside Mall, SW London. Come and say hi. This is a great chance to ask me any questions about writing, editing, design, publishing etc. The event is FREE. RSVP here.
5 EXCLUSIVE TOP TIPS on How to Write Asian or Non-White Characters and Smash the Stereotypes!
Without risk of cultural appropriation or misrepresentation or just being plain offensive. Diversity is a buzzword we all may at some point encounter. I have written from white, mixed and Asian people’s viewpoints and can say I am fairly comfortable now. My published stories or novels have a mixture of different cultures and it is …
Heart of Glass: Day 9 of serialisation on The Pigeonhole!
Oh yussssss, my boy, we are on the PENULTIMATE day. In which Li-an has to discover for herself what exactly is Hotel Central besides being a 9-storey brothel. No, really. Ya gotta live it to believe it and believe it to live it.
Heart of Glass: Day 3 of being serialized on The Pigeonhole!
Read Heart of Glass for free for 10 days. We are on Day 3, 7 to go: in which the protagonist is awakening to the beat of Macau. EXCERPT FROM STAVE III:
Cry of the Flying Rhino: in Middlesex University Unihub newsletter
A proud moment for me to be alumni of the Writing MA at Middlesex Uni. My award-winning debut novel Cry of the Flying Rhino has made it to the Middlesex University newsetter, Unihub. I started writing it while I was an MA student Read the Newsletter HERE. I was on the Writing MA programme at MDX . …