The first story which I wrote and submitted was for the 1984 New Straits Times Short Story Competition. It was called Miel and the Honey Bunch or something pretentious-sounding like that. The exact story and wording are all gone now. Success came to me early as a writer, to my detriment, as I since then I always …
What has the 1980s Reagan era got to do with it?
Welcome to the Cinema. Make yourself comfy and watch my 1980s-inspired show. Go on! It’s only 1 minute 19 sec long, I swear. Join in the discussion. The 1980s Reagan era was a time of excess, greed and materialism. Do you agree? Which song or songs from the 80s do you identify with which reflect these values? …
“Support a JB writer’s book project” article by blogger Peggy Loh
Blogger Peggy Loh is a writer herself. She is, like me, born a writer, and born and raised in Johor Bahru. She is a writer with the New Straits Times. Read Peggy’s detailed and insightful write-up here of Heart of Glass and of me. Check out her blog also at which is called MY Johor Stories. Her blog has …
L@@k inside settings of Chicago and Macau EXCLUSIVE! Original VINTAGE material!
If you have been wondering “why Chicago, why Macau?” why not take a look at the original, vintage settings? See inside the excitingly rare1964 book found in a wet market (Chowrasta) in Georgetown, Penang, which inspired the ideas and setting of Heart of Glass. Hope you are “stirred, not shaken.” (HINT) Welcome to everyone on board …
Heart of Glass 24% funded! Week One crowdfunding with Unbound
Where to start? What nails? I have no more nails to bite. Come to think of it, no cuticles either. Where am I going to get my daily intake of protein from? I’m going to be eating a low carb humble pie from now to eternity. I can stomach this. There is no room …
“Heart of Glass” a novel by Ivy Ngeow
Heart of Glass “A pacy, stylish 1980s literary thriller set in Chicago and Macau” Support this book here. Watch the trailer (pitch video) here: My name is Ivy Ngeow and I am an award-winning writer. I am raising funds for Heart of Glass, a finished product, a completed novel of 74,000 words, with Unbound, an imprint …
Pitching your Ideas in 3 minutes
Pitching is presenting your ideas. What people and I myself don’t realise is how tough my business life as a designer is and has been. I pitch for ten jobs to get 2. Five jobs to get 1. Clients today make you bleed. You are competing against younger, cheaper and more innovative pitchers. So how do …
How I came to be Crowdfunding with Unbound
I was on around Day 27 of NaNoWriMo and doing quite well I thought, writing my third novel, with my word count of c 24,000 when suddenly I was hit with news that I was being offered a book deal by Unbound, an imprint of Penguin Random House. The caveat was that it will …
The Sadomasochistic Art of Writing: you know what I’m talking about yes you do
#havingkittens #printed my #first #novel #today for the #firsttime #281 #pages #doublespaced #blackandwhite #writing #amwriting #fiction #author #thewritinglife #writer #ivyngeow #submissions #endurance #training #longhaul #longtermproject #powerofwriting #powerofreading #terrified #didnot #print the #secondnovel #ok A photo posted by Satsuma World (@ivyngeow) on May 19, 2016 at 3:24am PDT When the thing is virtual, digital, electronic, unreal: …
“Hungry in Ipoh” makes it to National Library of Singapore
Thanks to my Uncle Siow Wah in Singapore who recommended “Hungry in Ipoh”, it has made it to the National Library of Singapore. Dear Reader, Thank you for your recommendation. Recommended Title Details:- —————————————- Title: Hungry in Ipoh / Author/Composer/Conductor: edited by Hadi M. Nor. Publisher: ISBN/ISSN: 9789670954059 We have received your recommended title and it …