Things are not so cozy in the Club now. What lengths will Li-an have to go to?
Heart of Glass: Day 4 of being serialized on The Pigeonhole!
Read Heart of Glass for free for 10 days. We are on Day 4, 6 to go: in which the protagonist Li-an is now feeling reticent about the ‘jawb’ she has come to do. EXCERPT FROM STAVE IV:
ASIAN BOOKS BLOG: 500 words about Cry of the Flying Rhino
What were the inciting incidents which inspired Cry of the Rhino to become an award-winning novel? Asian Books Blog ran a 500 word article with answers and much more. I was also covered by the American author Robert Raymer in his insightful and entertaining blog, the Borneo Expat Writer. Robert and I interviewed each recently. You can also read the article here …
READ Cry of the Flying Rhino FOR FREE: Now at Southfields Library, South London
Calling SOUTHFIELDS or WANDSWORTH residents/library members/mums/friends/neighbours! What are you waiting for?!!! READ MY BOOK FOR FREE!!! Support local libraries and read for free. If you don’t, they will shut down. We don’t know how lucky we are. When I was growing up I had to read really torn, vandalised or simply extremely old and falling apart …
NEW : Cry of the Flying Rhino is now available at Select Books SINGAPORE!
GREAT NEWS!!! Cry is now available in SELECT BOOKS, Singapore. Check it out!
SNEAK PREVIEW: Cry of the Flying Rhino book cover draft designs
Because I am a control freak, I decided to have a stab at cover design myself. The first one, the black and red one is inspired by Iban tattoo pattern and Alfred Hitchcock film posters by illustrator/artist Saul Bass. But I think it might be deemed too London, too retro. The second and the third are …
EXCLUSIVE: L@@k inside Heart of Glass cutting room!
“Do not enter when light is on!” Structural edit: that means blasting, incision, internal tissue re-organisation and cosmetic surgery. But of course, I am not talking metaphorically at all. I am talking about the body of work. Words. I’ve created strict exam conditions in the attic AKA the cutting room. There’s no furniture. I sit …
STOP PRESS: Ivy Ngeow wins 2016 International Proverse Prize (FIRST PRIZE)
I am thrilled my first novel Cry of the Flying Rhino has won this prestigious international literary prize for an unpublished full-length work of prose fiction. Winning the 2016 Proverse Prize is important in promoting excellence in literature and the love of and for books, across all boundaries of race, country, creed. International writing is still at the heart of postcolonial literature, …
100% in 100 days: Crowdfunding my book “Heart of Glass”
Crowdfunding. Is. Over. The three big little words. 100% in 100 days. And the last 3%? Was the longest, shortest journey in the world (I used to say that about giving birth: new person travelling down 62mm birth canal takes what? Anything from about 2 to 20 hours.) But what a push. What a journey. Made …
“Support a JB writer’s book project” article by blogger Peggy Loh
Blogger Peggy Loh is a writer herself. She is, like me, born a writer, and born and raised in Johor Bahru. She is a writer with the New Straits Times. Read Peggy’s detailed and insightful write-up here of Heart of Glass and of me. Check out her blog also at which is called MY Johor Stories. Her blog has …