My aim had always been to be a published author. I have achieved my aim. Now what? Writing a novel or two is the biggest time, energy and mental pressure you can undertake. In fact to write this blog post I had to take two Nurofen and a double espresso macchiato in order to steady …
REVIEW: Write and Edit a Short Story Weekend Workshop 7-8 October 2017 @londonlitlab
I was very pleased to have applied for this course. It was just the thing I needed – the luxury of writing. I am not interested in posh hotel breaks or spa treats. What attracted me was the quality of the teaching staff. Zoe Gilbert and Lily Dunn are not only published writers, they are also lecturers. The venue …
REVIEW: Secret retro gig on Saturday 10 June 2017 for Writers!
… celebrating for the first time with Unbound authors. It has been 12 or 13 years since I did my MA and listened to ‘readings’ from a writers’ group. I was touched that my new international writer friends had travelled from all over- Italy, Coventry, Winchester, Oxford and London of course, to my corner of SW London. It reminded …
My first Prize-winning Story was Typed on this Typewriter
The first story which I wrote and submitted was for the 1984 New Straits Times Short Story Competition. It was called Miel and the Honey Bunch or something pretentious-sounding like that. The exact story and wording are all gone now. Success came to me early as a writer, to my detriment, as I since then I always …
“Sweetwise”, published in Sunday Megazine, 22 March 1998
Click here to read Sweetwise
“The Lightning Kid”, published in Sunday Megazine, 5 April 1998
Click here to read The Lightning Kid